Sunday, March 14, 2010

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978)

Famously, marvelously bad! Despite losing the title of "Worst Vegetable Movie" to Attack of the Mushroom People in Harry and Michael Medved's Golden Turkey Awards, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes deserves a mention. This film, a product of the late 1970s, is a spoof on B-Movies. The plot, as the title indicates, is about a ravenous horde of killer tomatoes that terrorize the population of the United States. While it is unclear exactly how the tomatoes kill (the deaths are never shown on-screen) it is apparent that the small red vegetables (technically fruits) are quite deadly. The President and the Army, unsure of what course of action to take, decide to bring in a team of specialists to combat the "growing tomato menace." This team, led by protagonist Mason Dixon, sets out immediately to deal with the problem at hand. They are tailed by young and intrepid reporter Lois Fairchild, who is seeking to cover the tomato story. Chaos predictably ensues and, just when victory is out of sight, Dixon discovers a way to defeat the tomatoes. Oh, happy day!

Rated PG

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